Sunday, 8 April 2012

My weekend full of projects.

Happy Easter everyone! Hope everyone is having a great weekend and that it's sunny and nice wherever you are.

We had a Easter brunch on Friday morning here and that's pretty much all we did Easter wise. It's been a great weekend to get things done around the house. I've actually been able to cross quite a few things off my list I posted recently.

I got our hedge trimmed outside. It runs along one side of our house and is about 30 feet long by 12 feet high. It definitely wasn't a small task as I used garden shears, some clippers and sheer man(woman) power. I think we may have to invest in some electric trimmers, because it was not easy!

I've made some progress on the chair I am painting and reupholstering. It took a coat of primer and three and a half coats of paint to get it finished. I've started reupholstering the cushions, but I've run out of staples for my staple gun, so that's on hold for now.

As I type, the coat of primer that I put on our front door is drying and is almost ready for the first coat of paint. I can't wait to start painting on the colour, which I will blog about shortly.

I also got around to framing our other bathroom's mirror. I've had the moulding for that for a long time and finally crossed it off my list.

I'm also getting other little things done in between coats of paint. I'm going to be making some banana bread for our new next door neighbours that moved in last weekend. Who knows, maybe I'll even bake some for my husband (if he's lucky!)

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