Sunday 29 July 2012

Garage Sale Finds

A little while ago I went to a community garage sale with my Mom, my sister and my older niece. It was a horrible rainy morning, but we decided to be hardcore and still go for it. When we arrived at 8am, we almost thought that it had been cancelled as everything looked pretty dead. All of a sudden, everyone's garage doors began to open. They were having garage sales, literally. We probably stopped at about 25 houses in total and had a great day together. My niece started her love affair with barbie and got a lot of cute toys.

Here's some of my haul:

Two lampshades - $5 for both

Outdoor lantern with candle - $2

Barn Star - $1

New pillow forms - $2 for both (These are ridiculously expensive in the stores)

I also got some oven mitts for $1 and two pictures for $6. I didn't go to many garage sales this year, but there are definitely deals to be found. I plan on going to more next year to see what I can find.

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