Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Garden Update #1

It's been a while since my last post. My little Lola got spayed, so I've been preoccupied with making sure that she's healing well and also making sure that she doesn't jump on/off things. She's doing well so far, but I think she's going a bit stir crazy. She is used to going for an hour long walk each night, but for 10 days after her operation we have to hold off on the walks. We're on day 5 now, so we're half way there.

Lola in recovery.

In my previous post I mentioned that I'm going to plant a garden. I started my seeds out about 10 days ago, and so far so good! I've got some sprouts coming up and they look pretty healthy. I made the mistake of not labeling the little pots. I made sure I planted the same seeds in the same kind of cups, and thought my memory would serve me well enough to remember which plant was in which pot, but my memory has failed me.

I think these are my heirloom tomatoes. They are doing the best out of everything. There's still time for the others to catch up though.

Tomato plant?

I think the recent heat wave has helped them to grow. There's been plenty of sun beating down and everything is flourishing. It's been around 26 degrees for the past few days, which is extremely warm for where we live in March (I think the average is usually around 4 this time of year). 

I can't wait to get out and start everything. I'll have to be patient, because at this time of year, weather changes can be drastic. It could snow! (Let's hope not).

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