Monday 9 January 2012

What to paint?

I recently bought 3 pictures with somewhat ornate gold frames that are all matching from a local thrift store for $6.99 a piece. The pictures that came in them are really not my style, but I thought that the frames definitely had potential and looked like they were the right size for some blank canvases that I have.

Original Print in the frames.

 I had never taken apart a picture before, and it was a lot easier than I thought it would be.

I cut the backing paper around the inner edge of the frame with a sharp knife and then tore it off.

I then removed all of the little staples going around the perimeter that were holding the print in place with some needle-nose pliers.

Once I removed all of the staples, I popped the print and glass out and I was left with a naked frame.

To my delight, the canvases fit in perfectly into the frames. They are so snug, they won't need to be secured in with anything. Bonus!

Now I have to decide what I want to paint on the canvases. I'm thinking some sort of poppy field with vibrant colours. I'll post these when they're completed.

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